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Photos by Arash Ghafoori and Henry Mai

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Welcome To arc.soc

run by students fROm Toronto Metropolitan’s Department of Architectural Science


What is Arc.soc?

The primary function of TMU’s Architecture Student Society (arc.soc) is to fund DAS students with their extracurricular endeavors.

We fund: competition registration, academic conferences, design-builds, research, workshops, and many other forms of extracurricular projects.

If you are a DAS student, you are eligible to apply at any time.

We exist as an incentive for students to pursue their interests outside Studio. By removing financial barriers our goal is to enable students to undertake projects outside of school to hone their skills, investigate their professional interests, build their portfolios, and everything related.

Beyond our primary purpose, arc.soc utilizes your student levy to finance other DAS events and student-focused programs like Orientation and Graduation.


student works

Explore the works of Toronto Metropolitan’s Architecture Students over the years. From design-builds to competitions.

Ambitious students are encouraged by the Architectural Science program to design and collaborate outside the studio.


APPLY For Funding

The Funding Process consists of 2 Steps:

Fill out Step 1, and our Project Executive will contact you to organize an either in-person or virtual meeting to discuss and determine your funding percentage.


Fill out Step 2, and our Finance team will process your cheque. The remainder of your cheque’s processing will be handled and dispensed by TMU.



325 MAgazine

Explore the works of Toronto Metropolitan Architecture Students over the years. From design builds to competitions, ambitious students are supported by the Architectural Science program to design outside from studio. Sponsored by arc.soc

Based on 325 Church Street : the address of the Toronto Metropolitan Architecture Building


our mission

provide das students at Toronto Metropolitan university with resources, grants, and opportunities to realize their goals.

The Ryerson Architectural Science Student Society was created in Fall 2015 after nearly a year and half of research, planning and coordination to address the creative, technical, and professional needs of the Department of Architectural Science Students. 

Born out of increasing demand for professional development projects, the primary aim of arc.soc is to provide students with increased opportunities to participate in not only the design of projects but the execution of projects beyond the limits of TORONTO MET University. By fostering a collaborative attitude, the Ryerson Architectural Science Student Society seeks to increase vertical assimilation among students within the Department of Architectural Science, create avenues for increased collaboration and engagement with other programs, faculties, and societies within TORONTO MET University, and provide students with access to professional development opportunities that will aid them in both their academic and post-academic careers.

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