Tripix | Ice breakers 2019

Design Team: Zeenah Mohammed Ali, Thomas Gomez Espina, Tatiana Estrina, Vivian Nyachira Kinuthia, Florencio IV Tameta, Gloria Zhou               

Faculty: Prof. Vincent Hui
Design Advisors: Filip Tisler, Frank Bowen, Jason Ramelson, Vincent Hui


With constantly developing technological advances, social media is beginning to change the way architecture is experienced. Rather than being an appreciation of spatial conditions, architecture is being seen as a very ocular-centic art – to the viewed on screens and experienced through various media outlets. This design brings the idea of the ocular-centric experience of architecture to light through the faceted reflective interior condition. The kaleidoscopic effect of the interior is reminiscent of an image driven society.

Installation for the 2019 Ice Breakers, external link outdoor art exhibition, dislayed near HTO Park East along the Queens Quay. Tripix is one of only five installations chosen, and has been subequently displayed at Nathan Philips Square. Tripix brings the idea of the ocular-centric experience of architecture to light through the faceted reflective interior condition.

